We want to inform you on how we would like to see your applications development.
Get familiar with what we propose:
Go through our Ideas pages and learn what we're interested in
Find our docs and code examples regarding the component that you found interesting from Ideas pages
Learn how the component organizes in the DeepPavlov components hierarchy: Library component, Agent component or smth else
Understand how could you contribute:
If you clearly see now what the Idea is about, try to get the related components up and running.
If you feel like you need clarifications, mention an idea mentor in the related Issue and ask for help. Mentors will assume that you either are familiar with the related DP components or need help in picking the proper component to study. Mentors will give you advice on how to proceed.
If you've come with a new Idea, that's brilliant:
Ensure that your idea is not already mentioned in the Ideas
Learn which Ideas are relevant for your Idea
If you're sure that your Idea is not a duplicate of an existing one, feel free to raise an Issue and describe your Idea
Remember to mention all the relevant existing Ideas, if any exist
Learn core DeepPavlov features and give them a try.
Prepare Proposal Draft
When working on your proposal, consider having a plan for each week. Use Proposal Template.
Create GH Issue For Your Idea
Once you have a vision of what your GSoC contribution could be, raise an Issue containing a summary of your vision. If your Issue follows the Idea we already listed, mention (via hashtag|link) all the relevant issues.
Here you can find our TopContribution Areas with the corresponding GSoC Proposal Ideas. See the ideas.
Proposal Template
List your skills and give evidence of your qualifications. Convince us that you can do the work.
Name: E-mail address and Telegram login: GitHub account:
Include a proposal, including:
a title;
potential mentor GitHub login;
reasons why Google and DeepPavlov should sponsor your work;
a detailed work plan (including, if possible, a schedule with weekly milestones and deliverables).
NOTE: List any non-Summer-of-Code plans you have for the Summer, especially employment, if you are applying for internships, and class-taking. Be specific about schedules and time commitments. We would like to be sure you have at least 15 hours a week to develop project.