Our Dream Team decided to reflect and dream on the question: "What do you think the AI/conversational AI will be like in 10 years?".
Imagine, ten years ago, the world of technology was beginning to take off. In the 2000s, we just started using cell phones, enjoyed the black-and-white screen, and sent music via the IR transmission. What have we got now? Today, the humanity closely interacts with technologies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and stays on 24/7 in the virtual world. Yes, even my smartwatch reminds me how much time I spent in front of the phone screen last week.
Let's drop all analytics and imagine our life in 10 years. Will there be even higher technological leaps and bounds? Well, it's hard for me to tell about it, but let's dream! It is the 2035 year . I'm at work and asking my personal voice assistant (VA) to help me send an email. I just call the addressee's name, dictate the content of the email, and tell it to send. And it answers (let's say the same Alexa): "Message sent! Five minutes ago, you received an email from someone named Andrew about working for a large firm. Tell me if you want to read and answer it! We also need to sort out the incoming mail folders and put them "on the shelves". There's a lot of spam! Oh my God! How many unnecessary files!". And I say that we can do it on the way home. At home, I want to try cooking Italian cuisine, real Carbonara. I ask Alexa to teach me. I've already got the necessary ingredients, so we can start cooking. While I'm cooking the pasta, it tells me funny facts and cooking subtleties. It uses the gadget to make sure that I don't cut vegetables into too large pieces or mix them too quickly. Mmm...wonderful!
There are no more queues or traffic jams. All my time is calculated in advance. I can't even imagine what I would have done if I didn't have my voice assistant Alexа! It knows all my tastes, feels when I am sad or happy, reminds me of meetings and helps me develop in different directions. Even yoga can be done at home. If something is wrong, it will correct it and make a comment or give recommendations on how to perform it. Yes! It made my life much easier.
It was interesting to find out from the team members what they think about this. So I decided to ask them. In general, the guys are more technically competent than I am. After all, they have been working in this field for a long time and know how real the AI predicts are.
Denis Kuznetsov
"Today, there are many complications conducting a dialogue between a bot and a person. I think by 10 years there will have been found solutions for most of the currently facing tasks. Voice assistants will be able to conduct a dialogue and ask questions to the user in a free form, playing different roles (a modest girl/a brutal man). The bot will be able to express its emotions and opinions like a human. Bots may be able to adjust themselves to the user's mood. And then there is an opportunity to talk to VA as a psychologist. Or the bot will make jokes on various topics to amuse the user.
As for news, memes, articles, and so on - everything will be created using AI, of course. Not that in 10 years, but in 5 years, it will be difficult for a person to understand who interpreted the text: a professional or an AI. A cool feature will be the ability of VA to translate the speech in different languages when broadcasting online. There is no need to resort to help to an interpreter.
Most importantly, the system of future will be able to help the sick and lonely elderly people:
- chat with them;
- tell them about news from our rapidly changing world in a convenient way;
- support them;
- make sure that older people do not feel lonely;
- teach them new technologies that will appear;
- help blind people, for example, recognize an image and reproduce it out loud.
If a person needs to cross the road or read something, VA will explain it exactly with details. In the future AI will be used to accelerate the production of new medicines. As well as new chemical elements, perhaps, superconductors, etc. Today this would probably make the situation easier with the coronavirus.
AI will also simplify the work of programmers to some extent. I think that generative models will allow them to write code faster and suggest frequently used solutions to them. Generative models are likely to be a standard part of the code writing framework. They will not write everything instead of the programmer, but they will be a cool tools.
Dilya Baymurzina
- AI will be widely used in the field of education. Especially when teaching children.
- Children are so curious and inquisitive that they always and every time need to be explained and help them explore the world. Now, of course, there are different types of educational games on the tablet, laptop and so on. But children don't have a feedback. And in this regard, the child may not understand why he/she made a mistake. Yes, there are cartoons. But all these spoil children's vision. Do you agree? And then personal voice assistant-nannies come to the rescue. They will be able to tell the child a story and explain complex things in an accessible way. If the child says or does something wrong, the VA-nanny will correct it. Yes, there will be a hard work to do with speech recognition.
- How will it integrate into all gadgets, if you take away a personal voice assistant with?
- After all, it should be with you everywhere. It might be in the form of a smart watch.
- Of course, AI will be widely used for government purposes. I think they will have their own big information department.
- But where there are positive consequences, there are also negative ones. For example, fraudsters. I believe that this way the control should be at a high level.
- About self-driving cars. I'm not sure that everyone will want to drive on autopilot. After all, there are drivers who want to control their own speed. I don't think it will be popular.
- Smart house. Everyone will have them and it will be commonplace. After all, the technology is already working."
Dmitry Karpov
"I can say in general terms that a lot of tasks that people are currently solving, including in the IT industry, will be successfully solved at the software level - the selection and training of models, even data collection. Training with reinforcement learning will be more developed, and it will be actively used in production to solve a variety of tasks. Low-level tasks in software development will be more automated than they are now, which will further increase the threshold for entering the sphere. The jobs of copywriter and premium commentator will become obsolete. Anonymous human communication on the Internet will no longer exist in today's form. In general, if the profession is associated with writing a text under the order, then such professions like a secretary, a call center will be actively replaced. I also expect breakthroughs from quantum machine learning, the emergence and application of some new algorithms in this area (when the hardware is tightened, i.e. there will be quite a lot of qubits). Perhaps this will even lead to the automation of the most complex professions ever. A separate point is that within 10-20 years the development of quantum computers will lead to the ability of decrypting all currently encrypted traffic, which in itself will lead to a lot of interesting discoveries.
One more thing, of course, the cream of all this will be removed first of all by large companies, because they have the most data and computing resources. So we will be waiting for more monopolization. However, small companies will probably be able to find some of their own niches, using the cloud capacity provided by large companies (especially those advanced in quantum computing)".
What do you think, dear readers? Can we expect from technology in the field of AI huge discoveries? Please, think about it and tell us your guesses!We are waiting for your feedback!Follow our news on the site and subscribe to Twitter. After all, the most interesting awaits you ahead!