В четверг, 15 Апреля, с 12:00 PM - 12:40 PM по московскому времени Chief Product Officer Данила Корнев и исследователь и капитан команды Dream 2 - Alexa Prize 4 Socialbot - Диляра Баймурзина, проведут лекцию по теме: Managing Dialog Strategy in Multiskill AI Assistant:
Dive deep into the architecture of advanced conversational AI systems and learn how to manage dialog strategy in multiskill virtual assistants. We'll provide a survey of recent developments from research and industry perspectives. As an use case, we'll cover in detail dialog strategy management in our open source demo Moonbase A.I. Assistant, Deepy 3000. Deepy 3000 was derived from one of the recent Alexa Prize 3 participants, DREAM socialbot. Deepy 3000 was implemented using the open source DeepPavlov and NVIDIA NeMo libraries. It showcases how the latest advances in the conversational AI can be used to manage dialog strategy in the modern multiskill virtual AI assistant.
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