Register for the Online MLconfEU taking place on November 5-6! Your full tickets include access to all of the great talks and ML workshops including the 3-hour DeepPavlov Workshop.
Simple chatbots can be built with a number of simple rules, but their UX will be very narrow and limited. Building complex AI assistants, in contrast, requires a lot of effort. To make your users happy, you have to master many things at once: rules, intents, finite state machines, chit-chat tech, dialog flow management, and many other things. It's a job for an entire team. Fortunately, you don't have to hire it. Instead, you can rely upon your trusty software from With it, you can offload the complexity of managing the entire infrastructure to DeepPavlov Agent – an open-source Conversational AI orchestrator. Next, you can pick state-of-the-art NLP components from DeepPavlov Library to decode human emotions and understand their intents. Finally, you can pick some of the available skills from DeepPavlov Dream to avoid reinventing the wheel like chit-chat.
In this workshop, you'll be guided through the entire process, from an overview of the platform to building a sample AI Assistant that you'll be able to re-use later in your own work:
- work with existing NLP components from DeepPavlov Library like sentiment and emotion classifiers
- build simple goal-oriented skill with DeepPavlov GoBot
- combine them together with the DeepPavlov Agent into a simple AI assistant
- augment your simple AI assistant with some of the DeepPavlov Dream pre-built skills
Set a reminder for 18:00 p.m. CET November ,3!