On June 30, a special guest Artem Rodichev, founder and CEO of Ex-human & ex-head of the AI at Replika, and Daniel Kornev, CPO at DeepPavlov, will hold a discussion about The Past, Present, and Future of Conversational AI.
Socialbots are getting into our lives more and more: they are not only assistants who fulfill our requests, but also a means to communicate. So, Artem and Daniel will describe several SOTA chatbot models which can generate very impressive examples of human-model conversations. What are Digital Humans? How do the Task-oriented and Open-domain chatbots fuse? What will the world look like in 2030? You will find out the answer to all these questions on our Community Call.
DeepPavlov Community Call #17, English Edition (June 30th, 2022) We’ll hold it on June 30th, 2022 at 16:00 UTC. Add to your calendar: https://bit.ly/DPMonthlyCall
We welcome you to join us at our DeepPavlov Community Call #17 to let us know what you think about the latest changes and tell us how DeepPavlov helps you in your projects!
Agenda for DeepPavlov Community Call #17: 16:00 –16:10 | Greeting 16:10 –17:00 | Discussion of Artem Rodichev & Daniel Kornev about The Past,Present, and Future of Conversational AI 17:00 –17:30 | Q&A with speakers
In case you’ve missed the last one, we’ve uploaded a record — see the playlist. Check it out!
DeepPavlov Library Feedback Survey We want to hear your thoughts. You can fill in this form to let us know how you use DeepPavlov Library, what you want us to add or improve! We are anxious to hear your thoughts! https://bit.ly/DPLibrarySurvey