Blog DeepPavlov

DeepPavlov future events

2020-10-22 15:11 Community

Dear DeepPavlov Сontributors and Users,

in case you missed it, we would like to update you on the upcoming DeepPavlov events, where you can meet our team or hear about DeepPavlov and ask your questions. Check it out and make sure to join:

1) DeepPavlov Community Call #2, October 29, 8:00am - 9:00am Pacific (6pm MSK)

2) Upcoming workshop at ODSC WEST 2020: "Conversational AI with DeepPavlov", October 29, 10:45am - 12:15pm Pacific

3) Upcoming talk at ML conf. EU: "DeepPavlov Agent: Open-source Framework for Multiskill Conversational AI", November 6, 5:50pm - 6:10pm MSK