The online DeepPavlov Community Call is scheduled for December 24th! This is the last call this year, yet it is the first one to feature external speakers. We’re super excited, and we can’t wait to reconnect again!
As always, you are welcome to suggest topics and call in!
As you know, our passion lies within paving the future of AI Assistants through the concept of the Multiskill AI Assistants. There are just a few organizations in the world that specialize building Multiskill AI Assistants — Amazon (Alexa), Google (Google Assistant), Microsoft (Cortana with its Skills Kit for Enterprise), Baidu (DuerOS), Yandex (Alice) and a few other companies that build their own AI Assistants. Building such Multiskill AI Assistants is the challenge incomparable to simpler chatbots that are usually deployed inside of the organizations and on web sites, or individual skills designed for those Multiskill AI Assistants.
We firmly believe that while today’s custom AI assistants are relatively simple, a typical organization needs a Multiskill AI Assistant to properly respond to their user needs across a number of organizational functions.
With this Community Call, we are starting our brand new series on “Building Multiskill AI Assistants”.
Yandex’s AI Assistant is calledAlice (Wikipedia). It has been uniquely designed to masterfully blend internal scenarios, its custom chit-chat technology known as Chatter (“Boltalka”), as well as third-party skills together to provide an integrated user experience to the consumers. Alice is widely used across mobile phones, smart speakers, and other smart devices in Russia, and it’s usage is growing steadily since its launch in October 2017. Today it is an honor for us to have Mr. David Dale, Former Software Engineer of Yandex AI Assistant Alice, with us!
During this upcoming call you’ll learn from Mr. Dale the basics of how Yandex’s Alice works, as well as how it orchestrates these different components together.
You will have a chance to ask your questions to Mr. Dale, and we will use these questions to guide his second talk as part of our brand new series called “Building Multiskill AI Assistants”.
This call is open to all conversational AI enthusiasts regardless of their background and experience. Don’t miss a chance and join us!
Agenda for the DeepPavlov Community Call #4:
7:00pm – 7:10pm | Welcome and the overview of what’s new to DeepPavlov.
7:10pm – 7:20pm | DeepPavlov Library 0.14.0 Release Announcement by Daniel Kornev, CPO at DeepPavlov .
7:20pm – 7:50pm | Yandex Alice, Part I: Practical Experience of Building Multiskill AI Assistant for Russian Market by David Dale, Former Software Engineer @ Yandex Alice, currently Freelancer & Research Engineer at Skoltech.
7:50pm – 8:10pm | Form Filling with Go-Bot by Oleg Serikov, Software Engineer at DeepPavlov.
In case you’ve missed the third one, we’ve uploaded a record — see the playlist. Check it out!
Updated Time For 2021
Starting with January 2021, we are shifting our Community Calls to start 1 hour later to make sure those who also participate in our regular Seminars have a chance to participate in the Community Calls, and vice versa.
Download a recurring calendar invite here (.ics): Remember that our updated calls will start at 7pm MSK (8am Pacific DST) starting with January 28, 2021!
We can’t promise to cover everything but we’ll do our best next week or in a future call.
After calling in or watching, please do fill in the survey to let us know if you have any feedback on the format or content: See you! The DeepPavlov team